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KnowBe4 Ranked as the number one Security Awareness Training Platform for the 10th Consecutive Quarter

The latest G2 Grid Report compares Security Awareness Training vendors based on user reviews, customer satisfaction, popularity and market presence. Based on over 695 G2 customer reviews, KnowBe4 is the top ranked security awareness training platform with 99% of users rating 4 or 5 stars, 95% customer recommendation rating, 92% ease of use score, 96% quality of support, and the largest market presence among all vendors.

KnowBe4 enables thousands of organisations and their users to make smarter security decisions on a daily basis. Using world-class training and simulated phishing KnowBe4 helps customers to improve their security posture, mitigate risk, and manage the ongoing problem of social engineering.

KnowBe4 ranked number one in G2 Grid report for security awareness training

“The 2022 G2 Grid report demonstrates Knowbe4’s leading position in Security Awareness training solutions.”

Knowbe4 and Columbus UK Managed Security Awareness Training

KnowBe4 is the world’s leading integrated platform for IT and Cyber Security Awareness Training combined with simulated phishing attacks. The service helps businesses manage the challenge of social engineering. Your employees are frequently exposed to sophisticated social engineering attacks and this can be mitigated by training employees to spot phishing emails and recognise other areas of cyber security and IT related risk within your business. Columbus UK provides KnowBe4 as a Managed Service. This means we provide ongoing professional consultation, guidance and advice, we set up phishing campaigns for you and provide monthly reporting so you can concentrate on core business activities knowing that a key area of business risk is being professionally managed.

Get in touch if you would like to find out more

If you would like to find out more regarding our Security Awareness training solutions and Knowbe4 we would be delighted to help you. Contact us via the button below or call us on 0333 240 7755 or via live chat.