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SIP Trunking

Three Big Reasons to Move Your Business to SIP Trunks.

Three big reasons to move your business to SIP Trunks today

By Business Phone Systems, SIP Trunking, Voice Services
Three big reasons to move your business to SIP Trunks today The movement from traditional phone lines over to SIP Trunks and hosted telephony services is something that businesses can’t ignore. With major suppliers announcing that they will be switching off their ISDN network, the stalwart across offices in the UK for decades, by 2025, now is the time to…
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Image of the business case for SIP eGuide cover page from Columbus UK. Columbus explores the business case for ISDN replacement services such as SIP Trunks and Hosted Telephony Solutions from Columbus UK.

SIP and the benefits of moving from older ISDN Business Line services

By Business Phone Systems, Flexible Working, Remote Working, SIP Trunking
If you have not already moved to SIP, you should consider it now. Over the past few decades, cultural and technological trends have dramatically transformed the workplace. Today, flexible working is a way of life. Employees now have greater control over their work-life balance than ever before, and employers understand that productivity is not confined to a desk. As such,…
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Image representing high speed data being transported across a city at night

The Benefits of Converged Broadband

By Broadband, Business Phone Systems, Connectivity, Converged Broadband, Data Services, Hosted Business Phone Systems, SIP Trunking, Voice Services
The Benefits of Converged Broadband Whilst early adoptors have already made the move to Converged Broadband, hundreds of thousands of businesses across the UK still rely on legacy telephone line services such as analogue, ISDN2 and ISDN30 lines as well as a separate broadband connection for Internet applications. These businesses have to maintain separate systems for their voice and Internet…
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Image of Polycom VVX IP handsets. One IP handset in focus in foreground. One IP handset blurred in background.

BT to switch off ISDN network in 2025.

By Business Phone Systems, Business VoIP, Cloud Voice, Hosted Business Phone Systems, SIP Trunking, Voice Services
BT to switch off ISDN network in 2025. In 2015 BT announced their intention to switch off the ISDN network by 2025, but what is replacing it and why? ISDN lines, the stalwart of UK offices across the country for decades have been in decline for some time and hundreds of thousands of ISDN lines are currently being replaced with…
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Image of Polycom VVX IP handset from Columbus UK.

SIP Trunks on the rise for UK businesses

By SIP Trunking, Voice Services
SIP Trunks have well and truly arrived. SIP Trunks have become the leading next-generation communications solution for UK businesses and the market will continue to grow at a rapid rate, especially since BT announced that they intend to switch off their ISDN network in 2025. Whilst ISDN has been dependable to businesses over the last few decades, it is inflexible…
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